SEO Strategy with GA4 Reports

A Comprehensive Guide on SEO Strategy with GA4 Reports

As we begin a new year, digital marketers and website owners are preparing to refine their strategies and stay ahead. Staying informed and adapting to changes are critical in the field of SEO. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a powerful tool that can significantly improve your SEO success. In this blog, we’ll look at the key GA4 reports that should be at the top of your SEO strategy in 2024.

Landing Page Insights

To get started, go to Engagement > Landing Page. Select your desired date range, and add the Conversion column, indicating the primary conversion for analysis. Include a Source/Medium dimension in the report to provide more depth.

What Insights Does It Offer?

  • Sorting by descending sessions reveals the most popular landing pages, highlighting those with lower conversion rates, requiring a closer look at optimisation regardless of traffic source.
  • Sorting by lowest sessions reveals pages with low traffic but high conversion rates, indicating niche opportunities for targeted ad spend or content themes.
  • Analysing landing page and channel performance identifies areas that require ad-to-landing page optimisation.
SEO Strategy with GA4 Reports

Incorporating Insights into Your SEO Strategy

  • Prioritise optimising high-traffic landing pages with low conversion rates, particularly if they receive a lot of ad spend or organic traffic.
  • Collaborate with the product team to address any market misalignments or competitive disadvantages identified by page performance.
  • Learn from lower-traffic pages that have successful conversions, extracting insights to replicate or improve with more resources. These tactics can help you develop and refine your seo strategy for a successful 2024.

Content Analysis

Use the landing page report from above to determine the list size you want to analyse. Download the top 20, 50, or 100 landing pages. And also categorise them according to your target segments.

What Insights Does It Offer?

Once completed, you’ll be able to easily identify the segments that need to be addressed in 2024. 

  • A common application is a content gap analysis that focuses on the stages of the purchasing process. For example, blogs may dominate the top of the funnel, while resources and about pages occupy the middle, and pages like “Get in touch,” pricing, and comparison charts address the bottom.
  • Track the quantity of each page type and evaluate the content mix for each stage. For example, you may discover that thought leadership blog posts make up the majority of your content, while the middle of the funnel is underrepresented.
SEO Strategy with GA4 Reports

Incorporating Insights into Your SEO Strategy

  • Use the content gap analysis to align your actions with overall business goals.
  • If increasing awareness of a specific product is a top priority, acknowledge findings indicating a lack of content for other products while prioritising actions that contribute to the primary goals.
  • Identify gaps in your content and focus on topics relevant to your audience. 
  • Optimise existing pages on specific topics and create new content to address unmet needs. 
  • This strategic approach ensures that your content efforts are aligned with your business objectives, maximising the opportunities identified by the analysis.

Explore Funnels with GA4

  • To begin, go to Explorations > Funnel Exploration. 
  • Edit your funnel steps and configure the flow. Optionally, include a Dimension or Breakdown of the first user medium to identify the channel that directed users to your page.
  • This indicates a need to reconsider conversion strategies, beginning with a review of the Call to Action (CTA) and ensuring alignment with the user’s content preferences.
  • Begin by reviewing the homepage, defining the desired user journey, and running the report to determine actual user follow-through. 
  • If the numbers fall short, conduct UX testing to determine why, and devise proactive strategies to direct users to your desired destinations.


As you plan your SEO Strategy for 2024, incorporating GA4 into your analytics toolkit is a smart move. By leveraging the power of GA4, you will position yourself for success in the ever-changing world of digital marketing and SEO. Stay ahead, stay informed, and your online presence will thrive in the coming year.

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